"Ledden Design team’s technical proficiency and competence are key strengths. They were a pleasure to work with and displayed effective design and teamwork, professionalism; strong project management and excellent customer service. I would recommend them for design projects of similar or larger scope."

– Nihar Bhatt, P.Eng., Senior Engineer Modernization of Approvals Project Environmental Programs Division Ministry of the Environment
Modernization of Approvals process is starting to make a real difference

Modernization of Approvals process is starting to make a real difference

The new design modernized a process using current technology and consolidated many forms into one instrument

The new design modernized a process using current technology and consolidated many forms into one instrument

"Ledden Design really helped us define our needs."

Nihar Bhatan
 Guide clarifies what information is required in a good application for an Environmental Compliance Approval

Guide clarifies what information is required in a good application for an Environmental Compliance Approval

ECA Orientation powerpoint and ECA process flow

ECA Orientation powerpoint and ECA process flow

Environmental Compliance Approval

We were asked to supply the graphic design, communications, and functionality to modernize and simplify the 30-year-old Certificates of Approval process for the Ministry of Environment (MOE). The Ministry uses this process to assess applicants’ compliance through a variety of environmental regulations and collection of fees associated with the activities.

In this nine-month project we were also requested to create additional tools to support applicants, including a pre-application screening tool, graphic overview and map of the process, and orientation materials.

We worked with the engineers to develop a suite of communication products to effectively navigate the complex Environment Compliance Approval (ECA) procedure, which could take many months to complete. This procedure required information design, plain language editing, and software development. The interactive application form contained website features such as save, help and calculate fee buttons, allowing the data to be saved and retrieved when submitted electronically.